Donations are encouraged as a way of assisting with our ministries. If you are interested in supporting Hospice St. Joseph in this way, please print out and fill in this form, then mail it along with your check or money order (U.S. dollars) to the following address:
Please make checks payable to Hospice St. Joseph.
All donations are tax-deductible and will be receipted for income tax purposes.
Remember, when donating money, it is worth checking
with your employer to see if matching funds are available.
I wish to join in solidarity with the people of Haiti and Hospice St. Joseph by making a gift to the ministry checked below.
O Wherever the gift is most needed
O Hospice St. Joseph Clinic (Healthcare Costs)
O Small Commerce Program for Women
O Food Program for Malnourished Children
O Discretionary Fund (for Crisis Situations)
O School Sponsorship:O Elementary (10 months) ........ $300
O High School (10 months) ....... $450
O Education Fund ........ $ __________Note: Contributions to our School Sponsorship program can be made annually, quarterly, or monthly. Please indicate which you prefer:
O Annual contribution
O Quarterly contribution
O Monthly contribution
If you have a question about donating to any of these ministries, you may write to us at the address given above, e-mail us, or phone us in Port-au-Prince at 011-509-245-6177.